Recipe: Chicken & Chorizo Stew


This deliciously warming stew packs in plenty of flavour and makes for the perfect, cosy night in. It’s also ready in under 30 minutes meaning it’s a great option for a quick and simple mid-week meal. Plus, it can be cooked in bulk as speedy meal prep for lunch the next day or can be frozen and stored for a later date!

High in protein and heart-healthy antioxidants (thanks to the added spinach and butter beans), it’s both delicious and full of goodness! Meaning you can feel slightly less guilty about that small glass of red wine you might choose to have with it…


Serves 4:

  • 400g raw chicken breast

  • 150g chorizo, diced into small pieces

  • 400g can of butter beans (drained weight around 240g)

  • 1 large red onion, chopped

  • 150g raw spinach (you can use frozen if you prefer)

  • 400g tin of chopped tomatoes

  • 2 tbsp paprika

  • 1 tbsp tomato paste


  1. Dice the chicken and coat in the paprika seasoning

  2. In a large frying pan, spray with fry-light or a little olive oil and start to cook the chicken and onion for around 5 minutes (when they start to brown slightly)

  3. Add in the chorizo and cook for a further 5 minutes

  4. Add in the can of chopped tomatoes, tomato paste and a 100 -200ml of water to ensure the ingredients are fully covered.

  5. Mix together and leave to simmer for 10 minutes or until most of the water has evaporated

  6. Pour in the butter beans and cook for a further couple of minutes

  7. Finally, add in the spinach until wilted within the sauce and serve immediately

  8. Garnish with coriander or parsley if desired.


Makes 4 servings.

Per serving:

  • 409 Calories

  • 15g Fat

  • 15g Carbohydrates

  • 38g Protein

Looking for something sweet to finish with?

Try this delicious Chocolate Courgette Loaf, made with all-natural ingredients :)


Recipe: Healthy Chocolate Black Bean Brownies


Recipe: Chocolate Courgette Loaf