PODCAST: Eating Disorder Recovery & Disordered Eating

As a personal trainer, disordered eating is something that even today, is normalised within this industry. I made all manner of excuses for the way I ate (or didn’t eat…) especially while I was just qualifying. Prior to that I battled with an eating disorder for quite literally, most of my life.

Recovery has been an emotional and physical ride. My eating disorder was all I knew for most of my life so it’s also been a process of learning who I am without it.

Why do I talk about it now?

To hopefully help anyone who may be struggling or to help people who may spot signs in friends or family that they might be struggling too. And, to be completely honest about how my journey to the fitness world began.

I opened up about this recently on a podcast with Tim Jones - Wildness and Wellbeing. You can hear more about below.

**Trigger warning - please note we discuss eating disorders and self-harm.


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