How to get the most out of your weekend workout

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OK so picture this. Your week has gone exactly ‘to plan’ - you’ve worked out, eaten an abundance of nutritious foods and even got a solid 7-8 hours sleep every night. (Firstly, if this is the case I applaud you and please let me in on your secret!) But, then comes Friday – the holy grail of all weekdays. TGIF, am I right?!

And what usually comes with this ‘Friday feeling’ is a weekend full of lots of lovely social events, brunches, wines, family occasions etc, etc - which are all wonderful and why we enjoy our joyous and short-lived 2 days off. However, suddenly that Saturday morning workout gets replaced by the snooze button and let’s not even discuss the possibility of a HIIT session Sunday morning after that bottle of wine last night…

HOWEVER, all does not have to be lost. Here’s why you shouldn’t just rule weekend workouts out and how to in fact get the most out of them.

Make a Plan

It might sound like I’m stating the obvious here, but the number of times I’ve heard people list their plans for the weekend and just nonchalantly throw ‘gym’ in the midst of it, is countless. Life happens and when you haven’t dedicated a set time to work out, there are so many more opportunities not to.

I always try to work out first thing on a Saturday & Sunday then it doesn’t interfere with all the lovely plans I have for the day. I’m a total morning person (contrary to my husband who can’t stand me crashing around the house at 5am) and this works for me - but it doesn’t mean it will for everyone! Find a time that works for you and organise your plans around it in order to stick to it. A great way to do this is by booking a class for a set time or organising a date with a friend to go work out (that of course finishes with coffee and/or brunch plans…)

Enjoy the Extra Time You Have

The biggest thing I love about working out on a weekend is the time and freedom I have to do so. Normally we’re so constricted by time, we find ourselves squeezing in a class before work or battling through the CHAOS of an evening gym session (I entirely avoid the gym past 5pm for this reason). However, on the weekend I love actually spending time training and being able to focus more on my strength training. Use your weekend as an opportunity to maximise your workout, taking your time to actually enjoy your gym session, class, run, or whatever it might be. Which brings me to my next point…

Do Something Different


With the extra time that the weekend gives you, it’s the perfect opportunity to mix-up your workout regime. I personally love a good long hike on a weekend (thanks to my Dad who has spent my entire life ingraining it in me) and love taking the chance to get outside to work out instead of my usual gym routine.

Admittedly this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but nor does it have to be. I am very much a believer of getting outside, particularly to work out, whenever you can. It’s not only great for your physical well-being but it can be amazing for your mental health too. Whether it’s a hike, bike ride, gentle walk or outdoor yoga session (hurry up Summer), use the weekend to change up your usual sweat session.

Rest & Recover

To go against everything I’ve just said, the weekend is actually the perfect time to take some time off. Weekends are an opportunity to lie in, to de-stress from the week and to do more of what you enjoy. For some people that means exercise but for others it means hobbies, family commitments, exploring new cities and countries… the list goes on.

Rest is vital when it comes to your training plan and if you have been working out all week, you may need a day or two to let your body (and your muscles) recover. Some people struggle with rest days (myself being one) but they are just as important as your workout days. Try a gentle stretching session or swim if you do find yourself wanting to do something on the days your body needs to recover.

So, do I or don’t I exercise on a weekend?

The best advice on how to approach your weekend? Be kind to yourself, have a healthy balance of all things you enjoy and if you want to take a weekend off exercising certainly don’t feel guilty for doing so. There are ways to fit exercise in and if you are looking for motivation to do that, then the above should help you. However, your weekend should be filled with all things you love and if that includes eating and drinking a little more than you had planned to – that’s OK too!

Even if you do miss a workout on the weekend, you don’t have to throw the towel in. Many people struggle with an ‘all-or-nothing’ approach to health and fitness and one thing I can promise you is – one missed workout or one too many proseccos isn’t going to set you back at all.


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